Letter to the Lincoln Public School Community on Wednesday Jan 5, from 
Superintendent Becky McFall:

Dear LPS Community,
        The last couple of weeks have been a bit of a rollercoaster ride with 
increasing COVID cases, changing guidance from the CDC, DESE, and MA DPH, and 
working to put plans in place for students and staff to return to school 
safely.  Great gratitude goes out to all of our employees who have rallied 
together to keep the wheels turning and to provide stability and routines for 
our students, helping them to feel comfortable and confident at school.
        Over the December Recess, we had 52 reports of positive cases; there 
were 18 employees and 34 students.  Additional employees and student cases were 
reported on January 3rd, 4th, and 5th.  The number of cases is continually 
changing but the summary below will give you a sense of the cases across the 
        The results from this week's pooled testing are not yet available.  
Additional communication will be sent out when the information is available.
Below is the summary of our cases from December 24 – January 5: 

Lincoln K-4
24 Students
6 Staff
Lincoln 5-8
18 Students
6 Staff
PreK Lincoln
2 Students
1 Staff
PreK Hanscom
1 Student
1 Staff
9 Students
11 Staff
13 Students
3 Staff
67 Students
28 Staff
All the best,

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