I noticed the captivating title:

"Interwoven-Womens Lives Written in Thread" on the banner of the Concord
Museum.  The Family Trees exhibit is also presented, as it is every year,
and it piques one's imagination as to how  a story can be captured on a
Christmas Tree.

However, the "Interwoven-Womens Lives Written in Thread" was a surprisingly
poignant display of life, and of loss, on a sampler.  In a society, now,
where we ignore the pain of the death of a loved one while we go about our
busy lives, it was riveting to see how very cathartic, contemplative and
healing a sampler repaired one's soul, a stitch at a time.
Lovely and lasting, loss and grief was carefully stitched as a tribute to a
loved one.  The many hours it took for this intensely personal piece to be
completed, allowed, I am sure, the artist to work through the tender period
of grief and loss.

If you can, go to this exhibit.  It puts everything in perspective.

Karen Boyce
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