To Lincoln Voters,

I wish to announce my bid for re-election as Lincoln’s Town Moderator.   I
have served in this role since 2010 and look forward to a fifth three year
term.  In my role I have presided over Town Meetings covering a variety of
issues with the goal of encouraging and managing an open and respectful
debate among the town’s voters.  I know that this goal remains steadfast in
my mind even if we may veer off course now and then.  I enjoy the
challenges that pop up quite unexpectedly and which require on the spot
rulings.  I welcome moments of candor and humor as well as the caring and
serious deliberations between town boards and voters. It is my
responsibility to appoint members to the Finance and Capital Planning
Committees, the Personnel Board and the Scholarship Fund Committee.

My professional training as a mediator/arbitrator often comes in handy, and
over the years I have learned many of the finer details of the legislative
process.  Our democratic process is a brilliant idea which requires a level
of trust, respect and participation to be effective.  In Lincoln I have
witnessed the finest expression of democracy among our citizens.  It has
been my privilege and fortuitous opportunity to serve as Lincoln’s Town
Moderator for twelve years.  Last fall I was elected to serve a 3 year term
on the governing board of the Massachusetts Moderators Association.

I always welcome newcomers to town and to Town Meeting.  They can bring new
suggestions and perspectives - and I am ever hopeful that they will step
forth to serve on a board or committee.    I look forward to seeing you at
Town Meeting on Saturday, March 25th and I ask for your vote on Monday,
March 27, 2023.

Sarah Cannon Holden

Weston Road
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