Transfer Station Sticker Enforcement

Thank you for your participation in the various waste reduction and recycling 
programs available at the Transfer Station. We have enjoyed a terrific 
partnership with Mothers Out Front and a strong group of volunteers who have 
helped us reinvigorate the swap shed program. In addition, the compost program 
and mattress recycling programs have really taken hold and are well-utilized. 
Together, we are all doing our part to help the Town achieve its zero waste and 
climate action goals.

We have also appreciated the cooperation of the vast majority of our residents 
who have obtained transfer station stickers which helps us ensure that the 
facility is being used exclusively by our residents. If you have not obtained a 
yellow sticker, please do so as soon as possible but no later than Friday, 
April 28 when the sticker program will be strictly enforced.  Anyone without a 
sticker will not be allowed access to the facility.

We have worked to make the process for obtaining stickers as convenient as 
possible.  Stickers may be obtained online at, or 
in-person at the DPW building (30 Lewis Street), Monday - Friday, 7:00 a.m. - 
2:00 p.m.  As an additional accommodation, our staff will be present at the 
Transfer Station on Saturday, April 22, and Wednesday, April 26 to issue 
stickers to those who have not taken advantage of other opportunities. Proof of 
residence and vehicle registration is required. Contact Susan Donaldson at the 
DPW (781 259-8999) if you have questions.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Chris Bibbo, Superintendent, Department of Public Works

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