Cost modeling has begun...

*Program Analysis & Development*
Over two public meetings this past Tuesday (June 13) and Wednesday (June
14), ICON Architects presented* initial strategies and costs to deliver our
project at the three necessary price points
**(up to 50%, up to 75%, and up to 100% of the $25M estimate from 2018)**.
*We had hoped that our work to date would deliver a program in the "*up to
75%*" range, but continued price escalation has moved our current program
into the *"up to 100%"* range.  We must now work to reduce our scope
further to create two lower cost options.

Our current program represents a 10,000 sqft reduction from the 2018
program, and is based on space needed to run existing programs into the
future.  To develop lower cost options,* ICON has presented
initial concepts
that include reducing the building program further, delaying the renovation
of the C Pod (the LEAP program), and finding a more cost effective solution
to the school maintenance space.*   These are all extremely complex
decisions, and the CCBC will be working closely with campus stakeholders
(Schools, LEAP, and Magic Garden) to evaluate the tradeoffs they
present.  *This
conversation will continue at our Wed, June 28 Meeting.  **(Details below)*

*Site Planning*
The site plans shown in these initial designs
all assume a parking lot at the rear of the Hartwell property, to better
screen the *anticipated solar canopies needed to meet the projects green
energy goals.*  But that decision impacts play spaces and needs further
study, so moving forward, multiple site plans
remain under consideration.  ICON will spend the summer months refining
these concepts - based on our feedback - for public review next September.

*Community Engagement*
*We have one more public meeting this month, on* *Wed, June 28*, and will
likely be hosting public meetings in both July and August, dates TBD.   Our
fall meeting/forum schedule is not set yet, other than *two important
dates:* * State of the Town/Community Charrette on Saturday, September 30,
2023,* and* Special Town Meeting on Saturday, December 2.*  All our
upcoming public meetings are listed below.

*Satellite Programming*
As we look to develop two lower cost options, we will be exploring
opportunities to lean more heavily on satellite locations listed in
our Decentralized
Programming Inventory
to manage the building program load.

*Wed June 28th - Public Meeting,* 7:00pm in the Town Hall Donaldson
Room or over
review feedback from our June 13 and 14 public meetings.

*July 2023 - Public Meeting, * Date, Time and Location TBD, to provide
support to ICON as they better define these concepts for our fall

*August 2023 - Public Meeting, * Date, Time and Location TBD, to provide
support to ICON as they better define these concepts for our fall

*Sat September 30* *- State of the Town/Community Charette,* details TBD.

*Sat December 2* *- Special Town Meeting*, details TBD.

Can be found on our website at www.LincolnCommunityCenter.com.
 You can sign up for our notifications there as well!
A community center in Lincoln has been studied by 4 previous committees and
4 different consulting / architecture firms over the past 10+ years.  They
have all built off of the public consensus established by the prior
committees' work.  That process has led us to our current charge to develop
a range of community center design choices and budgets, including options
not to exceed 50% and 75% of the estimated $25M design costs of a new
building on the Hartwell Campus.

We have partnered with ICON Architecture
to help us bring the best possible project options to the Lincoln community
in the fall of 2023.  If we find consensus, we will request construction
funds at Town Meeting 2024.

We hold *biweekly public meetings* to review the work to date, and make
decisions to move forward.  The public are always invited to join us, and
public comments are always welcome.  In additional, we hold *community
forums*, that are larger events expressly designed to solicit community
feedback on specific aspects of the project

We always welcome questions at our public meetings and forums, or feel free
to contact the Town Administrator's Office at 781-259-2601.
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