> of course one might ask ... "Why isn't this the default setting?"
> (multi-instance is certainly the non-standard usage for Projectors
> AND for Auth)
It's tough, which way is best to have it the default? Given your post
and then Daniel's that came after it's obvious that one setting or t
Hi Daniel -
At 8:41 AM -0500 10/21/05, you wrote:
(multi-instance is certainly the non-standard usage for Projectors
Not if you develop apps! In Windows, any time one opens an rtf
file, one gets a new instance of WordPad. Same with Word, Excel,
please see below
And even if one open
(multi-instance is certainly the non-standard usage for Projectors
Not if you develop apps! In Windows, any time one opens an rtf file, one gets a new instance of
WordPad. Same with Word, Excel, etc. And even if one opens new documents into tabs within the
current document or replace the
someone posted a link to a director windowing system in the last few
weeks which I appear to have mislaid.
can someone repost it.
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