A little slow out of the blocks but maybe useful to someone anyway:

For lists up to a certain size, doing the arithmetic using whole lists instead of individual elements is faster. On my machine, the first method is _way_ faster on lists with 500 or fewer items, and roughly 10% faster on lists of 10000 items.

global gPointList

on makelist howMany
  gPointList =[]
  repeat with x = 1 to howMany
  end repeat

on test
  kount = gPointList.count -- The list of known points
  thePoint = point(10,10)  -- the point in question

  ms = the milliseconds
  testlist = []
  repeat with x = 1 to kount
  end repeat
  outlist = gPointList - testList
  now = the milliseconds
  put now - ms

  ms = the milliseconds
  testlist = []
  repeat with x = 1 to kount
    outlist.add(gPointList[x] - thePoint)
  end repeat
  now = the milliseconds
  put now - ms

 - Carl
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