RE: SWA won't play on OSX and IE

2003-03-22 Thread MMCR
Thanks for the feedback on the game. Well I just have the SWA placed on a sprite channel and it plays, there's no lingo involved. The 3D cast member is internal so it's not downloading separately but there is quite a bit of setup takes place in the code and it does cause the audio to stop playing

SWA won't play on OSX and IE

2003-03-21 Thread MMCR
I have written a 3D game which streams a SWA file at the beginning. It works fine on a PC under IE but on Mac OSX and IE it doesn't play the audio. Anyone experienced this before? You can check it out on my game at TIA K [To remove yourself from this list, or to cha

RE: Creating a cuepointing tool - Lingo version

2003-02-04 Thread MMCR
t: 03 February 2003 20:14 To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Creating a cuepointing tool - Lingo version if i recall, Soundforge supports Cuepoints on PC the very same way SoundEdit does on mac... Fabrice On Monday, February 3, 2003, at 12:27 PM, MMCR wrote: > Woking on the PC I had this

RE: Creating a cuepointing tool - Lingo version

2003-02-03 Thread MMCR
Woking on the PC I had this problem many years ago as there was no PC software for putting cue points into a QuickTime file back then (and still today I think). So I approached it from a Lingo level and wrote a behavior that simulates the effect of cuepoints by just using counting the amount of tim

RE: Movie transparency

2003-01-31 Thread MMCR
Bit of a long shot this one but what about this as a solution. If you exported your video as a Real Video clip you can then capture it's image using imgObj=member("RealVideo").image then you could create an 8 bit alpha dynamically using Imaging Lingo HTH Kevin -Original Message- From:

RE: setting text to EMPTY

2003-01-30 Thread MMCR
Check out the .rtf property of a text member. So if you set a text member to Arial, Bold 14 you get this stored in the .rtf property. If you store that in a global or property in a Behavior and use it to reset the text member you will maintain your styling. {\rtf1\ansi\deff0 {\fonttbl{\f0\fswiss

RE: Can I use a xtra so I won't have to install Quicktime?

2003-01-30 Thread MMCR
You are confusing QuickTime with video playback. If you want to just play MPEG or AVI's then the directMedia Xtra can do that but it will only work on PC's with DirectX installed (pretty much all PC's have this though NT4 might not) and does not require QuickTime. If you want to play back Sorenson

RE: Email within director

2003-01-28 Thread MMCR
Check out DirectXtras Email Xtra, details below: DirectEmail is a cross-platform, easy to use Scripting Xtra for Macromedia Director, Authorware and Shockwave that provides applications with the ability to reliably send e-mails, send faxes as well as validate e-mail addresses. Descriptio