> I have a .dcr file from and old project. I need to get into it and get a
> flash movie out of it. The original work files were all lost thanks to a
> hard drive crash. I have been trying to open the movie in a
> window and then
> telling the window to save itself as a .dir with the saveMovie command. No
> luck. If anyone can figure this out, you are a god/goddess.

Try opening in a window like you were, then cycling through the members in
the window movie's castLibs looking for a #flash member. Try this:
on extractMembers tType, dName

  aWindow = window("probe")
  aWindow.fileName = dName

  tell aWindow
    nLibs = the number of castLibs
    repeat with l = 1 to nLibs
      nMems = the number of members of castLib l
      repeat with m = 1 to nMems
        if member(m,l).type = tType then
          tMedia = member(m,l).media
          tell (the stage)
            tMem = new(tType)
            tMem.media = tMedia
          end tell
        end if
      end repeat
    end repeat
  end tell

call this function with something like this from your message window:
extractMembers(#flash, "flashMem")


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