At 06:36 AM 23/07/03, you wrote:
>Hi there!
>is there anyone who can recommend me a very good beginner lingo book
>with projects to do in it?
>I can´t wait to know...:-)
Director Game Development: From Concept to Creation
by Epic Software
Published by Prima Publishing
ISBN: 0761532277
(apologies for the off-topic post -- but i'm still going to post it.)
At 03:54 AM 12/06/01 -0700, sreedhar reddy wrote:
>hi nik
>i from india and yes i may have to agree with you that
>there may be strong regional differences. In india i
>can say that we are still in nascent stages in
On Wednesday, May 09, 2001 4:09 PM, Conrad Ayala wrote:
>Is there a lingo script out there that can lower the volume of a sound
>channel while the button is being pressed down?
erhm... i'm late on this, but better late than never... right?
i did a slider volume thing for a project in my last te
At 04:20 PM 30/04/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Sorry to keep bothering you guys but is there anyway I can get at least
>one more quick response about cursors. I need full credit on this
>and need one more answer about cursors. Maybe someone could direct me
>to a chapter in Directo Demystifi
At 12:46 PM 30/04/01 +0400, you wrote:
>Is possible to group two or more sprites?
>so that if one of the (bottommost) sprites is draggle
>the grouped once move with it?
yah, it's possible. let me just dig around in my code morgue here...
the following scripts allow you to use one sprite as
At 07:16 AM 29/04/01 -, you wrote:
>Just a quick one
>I need to know if i can have a print button within my movie which will allow
>users to print what they see on screen.
but what are the details? there's a print function in Director which will
print a particular frame(s) of
At 06:09 PM 25/04/01 +0200, you wrote:
>I tried with a field, not with a text member and it didn´t work.
>Any other idea?
yah... you can't use dot syntax with foreColor. someone pointed this out to
me a few weeks ago, and i can tell ya, i was *so* glad to stop pulling out
my hair. :P
use this sy