I would like to know if there is any tool that allows to scan all movies
of a project and produce a report of where each cast member is defined
and where it is used.
I have aan AVI movie., and I have in the tempo channel a "Wait for end of
MOV1" tempo setting that works fine.
But I also have control buttons (play, pause, RW, FW) that also work fine
except that:
when the Pause button is clicked, the movie pauses but the tempo channel
considers that as th
Hi Ralf, Court, and Bruce,
> When you have problems like this, it is a good idea to make a new movie
> and test the new script.
> Then go back to your project and try to find the problem.
That's exactly what I did and it worked perfectly inthe new movie.
Then I went back to my movie and found th
Thanks Ralf,
In fact both instructions sprite(3).loc = sprite(2).loc and
sprite(3).rect = sprite(2).rect work (in the sense that sprite(3) moves
to the destination sprite(2).
I even put a delay to see it cleary take that new location.
But still, it moves back to its old location. That is
Thanks Kerry for your reply.
I tried sprite(3).puppet = TRUE but it did not help.
- Original Message -
From: "Kerry Thompson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2001 6:01 PM
Subject: Re: Sprite does not keep the rect() setting
> >W
Basically I want to move an object by clicking on the objec then clicking on
the destination (no dragging).
I have 2 sprites (1 and 2) acting as placeholders for a 3rd sprite(3).
At start, sprite(3) is placed on sprite(1).
When I click on sprite(2) then sprite(3) moves to sprite(2) using this