I have a small problem & I hoped someone out there can help.
I have an audio player with multiple tracks, that when the song is done
playing, it automatically goes to the next frame with the new track. (See
code below)
The problem is, is that when the song is done, it releases the exitFrame
try resizing the window to 1px X 1 px instead of hiding.
Just a friendly suggestion.
property pListRef
property pExpandMem
property pContractMem
global gExpWin
on beginSprite me
pListRef = sprite(me.spriteNum)
pExpandMem = member(51)
pContractMem = member(52)
pListRef.member = pExpandM
I'm trying to set up a jukebox player with track listings that if you click
on, it takes you to the track. It also has a play/pause button that switches
back & forth depending on if the music is playing or paused.
example: during playback, the sprite is a pause button, and when paused it
If you have a macintosh, use the Peak LE on the cdrom to convert your files
to the .swa format.
On windows,
1. go to xtras menu, select convert wav to swa
2. add files
3. select a file in open dialog bow 7 open
4. clikck select new folder
5. choose folder for output.
6. set compression settings
anyone know how to install a desktop picture from the cdrom to the users
computer using lingo & work cross platform?
Much appreciative of any help.
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