script error at runtime but not in Dir.

2001-08-24 Thread Dennis Acton
Hello, I am getting a script error at runtime but not when I am authoring in Director. It runs great there. How can I tell what the problem is if it only happens at run time and gives no clue as to what is wrong? Thanks, Dennis __ Do You Yahoo!?

navigate with the browser control

2000-11-15 Thread Dennis Acton
Hello, I am trying to use the navigate method with the ActiveX browser control but I need to navigate to a local folder. Here is my code: on enterFrame navigate(sprite 11,the moviePath&"websites/site1/index.htm") end This causes Director to just disappear. Is there any way to put in a path

RE: PowerPoint in Director plus video

2000-10-24 Thread Dennis Acton
Using the RavWare xtra to play a PPT is one thing, but just this morning I got a call from a client who wants to run a PPT along with a video of the presenter. >From my initial tests, the PPT seems to take control in the forefront, pausing the video. Has anyone tryed doing this successfully? I

RE: Powerpoint in Director 7

2000-10-23 Thread Dennis Acton
Try out the PPViewer from RavWare It gives you a variety of functions to call that will help you control the PPT. The Xtra programmer is really helpful if you get stuck. Dennis Acton [EMAIL PROTECTED] -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED

converting external text cast members to internal

2000-09-09 Thread Dennis Acton
Hello, I have several external text cast members that no longer need to be external. Is there a quick and easy way to bring them into an internal cast and not break the code? Thanks, Dennis (If this is a cluelessly easy question I apologize but the boss is pacing back and forth outside my offi

RE: visible timer

2000-09-06 Thread Dennis Acton
Rob, I happen to need the same timer feature. You are helping more than one person with your answer so please keep up the complete solutions you include in your answers if you have the time. Since I don't like having code I don't understand in my projects, I always go through it and familiarize