
I just encountere a big problem.
I have a project which is now modified to work as shockwave. In order to
import the text files, i use the standard net lingo.
So, i start the getNetText, and then i loop the frame and check netDone.
Note: This script works wonderfully in 2 of the 3 parts of my project.
Because i preload more than one item, hence the lists for keeping IDs and
The really puzzling error ("Script Error" in browser) is that the command
"go the frame" shown in my script, generates 3 script errors, and after that
it jumps to the end of the IF. Normally, that shouldn't happen until the
file is correctly downloaded and imported in memory. The web server shows
that the correct text file was sent to browser, but the text never shows up,
as the error is REALLY non-logical and without any hints...
This piece of script is copy&pasted from the other 2 parts which are
I have checked for scripts for all sprites on screen (none has one).
I have tried prepareframe, exitframe, and, it just seems to modify the
number of error shown (exitframe means INFINITE errors, prepareframe just
one, and enterframe 3).

Please help me, with any suggestions...

Thanks a lot,
Gabriel Gheorghiu

---- CODE -----

on enterframe
  fname= resFolder & crFileName
  if WaitingForNet = true then
    -- check if media ready
    if (NetDone(NetMediaIds[1]) = TRUE) and (netError(NetMediaIds[1]) =
"OK") then
      -- finished loading, so proceed
      WaitingForNet = false
      member(1, "temp").text = netTextResult(NetMediaIds[1])
      NetMediaStatus[1] = 2 -- loaded OK
      -- loop to this frame
      tempDebugVar = tempDebugVar + 1

      member("debugmsg", "temp").text = "loop: " & tempDebugVar
-------------------------------------> ERROR GOES HERE
      go the frame
      member("debugmsg", "temp").text = "loop after go: " & tempDebugVar

    end if
    if MoviePlayType= 1 then  -- shockwave
      NetMediaIds[1] = getNetText(fname)
      NetMediaStatus[1] = 1 -- loading
      WaitingForNet = true

        go the frame -- loop this frame
    else  -- projector
      -- import the file
      importfileinto member 1 of castLib "temp" , fname
    end if
  end if

  --- here the file should be parsed (loaded ok)

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