To the Lingo List:
I am trying to create a grid where user panel items can be dragged onto.
Here is my documentation:
Each square has to be able to 'read' is being dragged onto it from the
user's panel.
What is the best way to approach this?
To the list:
Does anyone on the list know about any entry level Lingo programming jobs in
the New York area?
Nancy Taylor
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To the list:
I am trying to create the program for the outline here (phase one):
I need to create a user input (easy enough) and have that number split into
4/5ths worker bees, and 1/5th drones.
Most difficult part: programming each individual bee t
To the list:
I'm looking for Object-Oriented Artificial Life experiments done in Lingo. Anyone have any suggestions? (Sites, Downloads, Experiments)
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