hi slava, here's a little hardcoded xmpl to al's vector solution
property spriteNum
on mouseUp me
on bubble me
memrect = sprite(spriteNum).member.rect
pNewMem = new(#vectorshape)
pNewmem.vertexList = [[#vertex: point(0., 0.)], [#vertex:
hi nik;
did you tried to set the value in a test movie?
i had some troubles with dot syntax evaluation
dir8: mem.strokeWidth.integer.string worked
dir8.5 i need: (mem.strokeWidth.integer).string
cheers stefan
[To remove yourself from this list, or to change to digest mode, go to
thnx colin & terry
very cool colin! my math`s a bit rusty:-((
i need it for a iterating set / get pixel routine so using integer instead
of rgb can realy save time...
i just added the alpha
on inttorgb int
b = int mod 256
int = int / 256
g = int mod 256
int = int / 256
r = int mod 256
hi your great list, source of wisdom & inspiration...
anyone knows how to convert rgb to integer & back???
refering to the get/set pixel commands. doing rtfm only comes up with "xtrct
alpha by int/power(2,24)"
but how to get r, g or even b?? mm´s mystery...
thnx, stefan
hi gonzalo, probably someone allready answered(i´m digest reader(not
'readers digest'!))
the 2 points are
on assemble
tmpl = gblist.duplicate()--cause lists are passed by referance not
hi gene, you might try this:
- --on beginSprite handler of !every! of 365 sprites
property myRedBoxDate
property mySprite
on beginSprite me
d = sendsprite((me.spriteNum -1),#getdate)
if voidP(d) then d = date(19990101)
myRedBoxDate = d
on getdate me
d = myRedBoxDate + 1
return d
(the stageTop + 180)
runLeft = (the stageLeft + 143)
runRight = (the stageLeft + 885)
runBot = (the stageTop + 603)
window ("dateSelection").rect = rect (runLeft, runTop, runRight, runBot)
open window "dateSelection"
cheers stefan
Stefan Keller
Popcoins AG - Ma