Hi Junaid :)

> import sound as a linked file it doesnt play in the
> projector mode.but pls someone suggest me ways to make
> my file run smooth.

Did you quit director before playing the projector? Sometimes sound files
don't play (at least on a pc) when director is still active in the
background. Or possibly you didn't include the right Xtra with your

You don't strictly have to link external files to play them - try the "sound
playFile" command. You don't get as much control over that in Director 8 as
over linked files, but it's ok for most purposes.

About your animations - are you using a tight (repeat) loop? if so, try to
switch to animating sprites on a "prepareFrame" basis, but in any case, if
you have too many sound files, they're better off not being imported (you
can use either linked or just completely external sounds).
What I usually do, is import all my sound effects but leave the voice overs
external. That keeps the movie size smaller.

You said your projector size increased. Do you compile your entire director
file into it? In most cases, you're better off making a "stub" file with the
on startMovie
  go to movie "myMovie"

This way your projector is very small, and doesn't need to be recompiled
every time you make changes to the movie. just remember to include all the
xtras you need in the "stub" movie, or even better, put them in an "Xtras"
folder inside your movie's folder. (there's even a technote on the
Macromedia site on how to make universal projectors - very very handy)

Hope this helps you :)

Karina Steffens,
Lead Programmer

Martello Media Ltd.
4 Islington Avenue
Co. Dublin

Tel: +353 1 2844668
Fax: +353 1 2803195

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