Thanks James, who has ever heard of setPropAt, it's not in the doc´s. I
totally agree with Rob on how to arrange the datastructure , but this is an
editor for a game where the output is constructed in that way. James method
might come in handy, but I've done it in another way which works, so I
Sorry for John (Erazo) for overlooking the need to avoid case sensitivity.
You already have a great solution.
This handler can modify a input property if it find one and assign a new
property and value (if new value provided).
Hope it's hopeful.
on modifyProp pList, oldProp, newProp, propValu
At 8:07 PM +0100 12/13/00, John Kanding wrote:
>BTW has anyone a good method as to change the property of a property
>list, like in [#john:100, #kurt:200]
>Now change #john to #Bill
on ChangeProp theList, existingProp, newProp
theValue = getAProp(theList, existingProp)
if voidp(
BTW has anyone a good method as to change the property of a property list, like in
[#john:100, #kurt:200]
Now change #john to #Bill
> -Oprindelig meddelelse-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]På vegne
> af John Erazo
> Sendt: 13. december 2000 13:59
> Til: [EMAI