
Question 1:
The question might look strange, but I have reasons to ask it:

Does anyone has experienced a noticeable difference between the following

A quicktime movie is playing on the stage, its video AND sound properties
are set to TRUE.

2 quicktime videos are playing. One has only the sound property enabled, the
video disabled, another is also playing without sound, but with the video
property set to TRUE.

The reason why one could want to do this: I have the sound of my movie in a
quicktime cast member, serving as a timebase for the synchronization of
other sprites appearing on the stage.

At times I want to add videos as well, but not during the whole movie. I
could put these video sequences in my timebase movie and place it off the
screen, when video is not needed, but I am more flexible if I can separate
video and sound information (no exact sync between them requiered)

Question 2: Another related question: Does it consume processor time to play
a video off the stage if it is not displayed on my monitor?

Question 3:

In Macromedias Technote there are some proposals to get rid of a digital
video on the stage, for instance: set the stageColor = the StageColor.

But these solutions produce nasty flickering on the screen. For a short
moment the relicts of the digital video remain on the screen. Are there
smoother solutions?

Thanks for your answers and experiences!

Michael von Aichberger>

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