OK, I figured out the problem...

In my Lingo code, I was inadvertantly opening the V12 database in "ReadWrite" mode,
and that was fine as long as the file was on the HD (not 'read only' as when on a CD).

It threw me, because everything was working until burned to a CD-- and when executing 
a search from the CD, V12 behaved
normally at first.
It opened the database and started looking through the records until it got to 499 and 
then hung.
Was trapping for errors more closely in author mode, but for the sake of faster code 
execution at runtime, I was not in certain

So it got me(for a while), and I just wanted to share the info...


Andy Driscoll wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> Updating a previously released project and didn't change any of the code
> that deals with V12.
> When running off the HD, the search is completed and I'm able to display
> the results in a field.
> When running off the CD on Win 2000, the results never come up, because
> V12 gets to about 490 records and then hangs.
> After a while, it just stops churning...
> Never had this problem on the previous release of this project (and
> again, same exact code as before.)
> Also, the error doesn't seem to occur on Win 95 or 98 or Mac on any of
> the machines I tested, but the client got the error on Win 95 this
> morning.
> Tried an older version of V12 and the most recent version, same problem
> Was using Director 6.5, but tried going to 7 because of Win 2K
> compatibility-- same error, no fix.

Andy Driscoll                                                         

      ****Multimedia -- Interactive Media -- Web Development****

Sunzen Interact
200 E 5th Ave, Suite 117C
Naperville, IL 60563
(630)527-0300 - tel
(630)357-8260 - fax

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