Roger --

My guess is that you may simply need to change the call3.txt file from DOS format to *nix format, i.e.,

C:> dos2unix call3.txt

You can do the conversion in Linux, if your Windows installation does not have the "dos2unix" utility.

This is only a guess ...

See you at MUD (Microwave Update) tomorrow!

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

Roger Rehr wrote:
Hello, All,

I am trying to set up the EME Window on Linrad for Windows and having difficulty.

I have re-discovered the following:

1. Linrad wants the emedirectory to be C:\emedir, NOT \home\emedir or C:\home\emedir as in Linux [not documented that I can see].

2. dir.skd is no longer available on the net. At least I couldn't find it. Even af9y's links for it are broken.

3.  If call3.txt is either copied from a wsjt download or downloaded from and placed in the emedir, Linrad rejects it with the error:

[1230]routine:init_eme_database file:eme.c Failed to read CALL3.TXT Excessive line length or field too long.

4.  The reference page
makes no mention of the fact that linrad may potentially use call3.txt, but only mentions the now essentially defunct dir.skd, eme.dta, and allcalls.dta files. I thought I remembered that as a result of a previous posting linrad would work with call3.txt, but was stymied by #4 above.

I am very suspicious that all of this is old information and that I am having a major deja vu experience, but figured I would send this to the list after Google failed to give me what I need ;)

All of this came about as I was preparing to give a lecture and 'how to' session on Linrad tomorrow. I guess I'll skip the eme window, at least from Windows ;)

[Yes I have everything working from Linux including the EME Window]


Roger Rehr

Roger Rehr

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