alguien conoce alguna web donde poder subscribirse a libros de linux o php??? 
alguna web chilena?
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Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML...
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Sep  2 15:34:22 2004
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Paulo Seguel)
Date: Thu Sep  2 15:34:27 2004
Subject: Problemas con Asterisk-GUI
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Jorge Palma e. wrote:
> hola a todos:
> Jugando con asterisk (que funciona de perillas), y ahora buscando una 
> interfaz 

Bueno, me cuelgo de tu experiencia para preguntarte sobre el hardware que 
has utilizado para instalar asterisk.

Que tarjeta de telefonia usaste? o lo hiciste con algun modem? cuantas 
lineas? Me interesaria saber si el hardware lo conseguiste aca o lo 

Paulo Seguel
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Thu Sep  2 15:38:37 2004
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Cristian Gutierrez)
Date: Thu Sep  2 15:38:49 2004
Subject: salida de comando.
In-Reply-To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Pablo
        Jimenez's message of "Thu, 2 Sep 2004 12:15:27 -0400")
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Pablo Jimenez wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 10:52:23AM -0400, Horst von Brand wrote:
> [...]
>> Por algo se habla del "year when September never endeth"...
> La cita se refiere a lo que menciona el link?

Alli hay una referencia al FAQ de alt.culture.usenet, que reza:

,----[ ]
|  September
|    The time when college students return to school and start to post
|    stupid questions, repost MAKE MONEY FAST, break rules of
|    netiquette, and just generally make life on Usenet more difficult
|    than at other times of the year.  Unfortunately, it has been
|    September since 1993.  With the growing sensationalism surrounding
|    the "Information-Superhighway" in the United States, the current
|    September is likely to last into the next century.
|    Regarding the origin of this term, David DeLaney
|    ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
|     > The first recorded outbreak of this was Warren Burstein saying
|     > "It's *always* September, *somewhere* on the net" in response
|     > to a particularly Clueless outburst from on
|     > alt.folklore.urban, in fall 1993.
|     >
|     > Dave Fischer extended this, some time after that, to "1993 was
|     > The Year September Never Ended".

Cristian Gutierrez            
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                        Jabber:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Ryan's Law: Make three correct guesses consecutively and you will
establish yourself as an expert.

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