I came across this the other day:

It looks like most of what you're after, IF you have your own host.
It has hooks to github and gitorious, which are also free when what 
you're checking in is free to the world.  If you're storing personal 
information and other personal files, you will need a hosting service or 
you will need to provide your own server.

In a nutshell, when it comes to a secure personal repository, I think 
you're going to have a very hard time doing something without a monthly 
fee.  That is, unless you already have your own server, but even if you 
do, you're already paying monthly fees to your service provider.  This 
free as in beer requirement you've put on your original post is going to 
be tough for this sort of application.

All of that aside, sparkleshare provides you with a free as in freedom 
It's open source, and looks to be licensed under the LGPLv3.

I'm excited about this project.  Drop box is so popular, and so 
proprietary, and so corporate cloud that I've stayed away from it.  My 
hope is that sparkleshare will provide the choice that freedom lovers crave.

On a side note: this is still in beta.  Current version is 0.2rc1, I 
believe.  Mission-critical it ain't.

Hope this helps.


On 04/05/2011 8:58 AM, wrote:
> Hey guys, I am looking for a freeware like version of drop box.
> It has to be easy to use for the end user (no command lines, no rsyncs).
> Has anyone come across a freeware tool or better options than dropbox?
> We do not want to have to pay monthly fees.
> I'd rather have a owned server that could do this, but then how do I get
> access to it via android, iphone, and ipad?
> UnRaid is a great repository, I know superflexible file synchconizer
> works well as well, but then the mobile devices side takes a hit. Pogo
> Plug is too slow to be usable for large Blog Video files. There must be
> a turn key solution out there, with a one time fee or free that can do
> this, that does not require a PHD.
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