* Damian Gerow [090812 21:03]:
> : Finally there is kgdb. This allows you to connect a debugger to a
> : running kernel. kgdb can work over serial (kgdboc) or ethernet
> : (module kgdboe). Unfortunately, the kgdboe is not available in mainline
> : kernels, and I don't know if SuSE ships it.
Bart Trojanowski wrote:
: Another is a netconsole. This is similar to syslog, in that it logs
: simple text messages from the kernel over a UDP "connection". To
: configure it you simply have to run:
Netconsole seems promising, and would provide at least the proof I'm looking
: Another way
* Damian Gerow [090811 20:55]:
> So, how does one go about proving these are kernel panics?
There are a few ways.
> (The most obvious route, attach a serial console, is sadly an unviable
> option in this case. The reasons why are long and dry, so I'll save you all
> the boring details.)
One of
I've been having some problems with some remote, headless Linux servers for
which I'm partially responsible. Given the behaviour of the system at the
time of the issue (system unresponsive, nothing in the logs), I'm inclined
to believe this is a kernel panic, but I can't say for sure.
Most of my