
Suite à une recherche dans le man de sane, j'ai trouvé la solution:

Il faut et il suffit de
sane-find-scanner ->

found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8 [EPSON], product=0x011b [EPSON Scanner]) at 

canimage -L ->
device `epson:libusb:004:002' is a Epson GT-9300 flatbed scanner

La même commande sous user ajoute:

 # You may want to run this program as root to find all devices. Once you
 # found the scanner devices, be sure to adjust access permissions as
 # necessary.
dans man sane-usb -> 

The permissions for the device files used by libusb must be adjusted for user access.

Otherwise only root can use SANE devices. For Linux, the devices are located in 
/proc/bus/usb/. There are directories named e.g.  "001"  (the bus  name) containing 
files "001", "002" etc. (the device files). The right device files can be found out by
running scanimage -L as root. 

_Setting permissions with "chmod" is not permanent,  however.  They  will  be  resetted
after  reboot  or  replugging  the scanner._

It's also possible to mount the usbfs with the option "devmode=0666",
e.g. by using the following line in /etc/fstab:

none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults,devmode=0666  0  0

-- je vais essayer.

J'ai donc changé /proc/bus/usb/004/002 ->

-rw-rw-r--  1 root users 50 2004-10-14 10:27 /proc/bus/usb/004/002

et ça fonctionne ! 

Mes excuses pour la panique.


  _    ---------------------    _  
 (o-   Jean-Claude Hendrickx   -o)
 //\     Linux et mon Droit    /\\
 v_/_  _____________________  _\_v

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