Sharing NFS Exports Across Guests With No Single Points of Failure

2006-03-26 Thread Mark Post
One of the issues people have had with using NFS to share read/write file systems among multiple guests is how to handle the fail-over to a second NFS server should the first one fail. This article/blog entry, that I found from a pointer in one of the Red Hat Linux mailing lists, talks about how t

Incrise the size of /home

2006-03-26 Thread Jose Raul Baron
Hi everyone, I have a couple linux-related issue. Maybe my questions are much too basic but I'm still quite a rookie, so please forgive me if so. Here go my questions: 1.- I have currently 2'3 GB (1 x 3339 cyl. 3390-3 disk) for my linux system. Is this OK or is it too little for a production L