Linux on System z and IBM FileNet P8 5.1 Setup, Performance, and
IBM Information Center
z/VM 6.2 Live Guest Relocation with Linux Middleware - Various Workloads
IBM Information Center
The second of a
But, using ISPF 3.4, the user can list all the data sets on all the on-line
volumes by entering nothing in the DSN field and an * in the Volume field.
Yes, I do know about the _new_ RACF stuff which causes the system to not
list a DSN unless the id has at least EXECUTE (or READ?) access to it. But
Sorry... I just couldn't help responding to the z/OS part...
On z/OS you can limit the access to the catalog and by that deny users from
listing the files in that catalog.
I think that most places don't do that but z/OS has this ability build in...
Offer Baruch
On Sep 30, 2013 6:01 PM, "John McKo