Microsoft's Linux ad 'misleading'

2004-08-27 Thread Robert Matthews -- For LINUX-390 subscribe / signoff / archive access instructions, send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the message: INFO LINUX-390 or visit

Re: linux at MP 3000 (7060)

2004-05-07 Thread Robert Matthews
- Original Message - From: "Steve Gentry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, May 07, 2004 3:03 PM Subject: Re: linux at MP 3000 (7060) Go to and type in the doc. number. I just did and was able to download it. Steve Gentry Robert Matt

Re: linux at MP 3000 (7060)

2004-05-07 Thread Robert Matthews
While on the subject, does anyone have a url where I can find the white paper "S/390 Multiprise 3000 Integrated LAN Adapter Feature Performance Report", GF22-5136. Bob matthews University of Geneva Switzerland - Original Message - From: "andri wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROT

Re: linux at MP 3000 (7060)

2004-05-07 Thread Robert Matthews
The redbook "Multiprise 3000 Technical Introduction", contains a good description of configuring the lan adapters. Bob Matthews University of Geneva Switzerland - Original Message - From: "andri wanda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAI

Re: Computerworld Ad

2004-01-30 Thread Robert Matthews
Perhaps this is the study they are talking about: OR: Bob Matthews University of Geneva - Original Message - From: "Marcy Cortes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> T

Re: OT: "Political Correctness" goes mad in L.A. County (USA)

2003-11-27 Thread Robert Matthews
At the risk of prolonging an already long discussion, here is another reference which may be of interest:

Re: OT: Intel gets virtualization clue?

2003-10-13 Thread Robert Matthews
Vol.13, No.3 (1974), has articles on "OS/VS1 concepts and philosophies" and "OS/VS2 system integrity". The former starts: "Dynamic address translation equipment of System/370 central processing units, and dynamic relocation is key to the design . . ." Bob Matthews, University of Geneva - Ori

Re: pronunciation of SuSE

2003-08-07 Thread Robert Matthews
Perhaps they could be persuaded to change their name to something whose pronunciation we all agree on! Bob Matthews University of Geneva.

Re: Is there a Veritas client for the zseries Linux?

2003-03-24 Thread Robert Matthews
But there is one . . . LEGATO NetWorker Client for Linux on the Mainframe (NCLM) provides automated, robust backup and recovery of business-critical Linux data on the IBM zSeries and S/390 mainframes. NCLM delivers the manageability, scal

ZDNet UK - News - Story - IBM Linux will replace AIX

2003-02-03 Thread Robert Matthews
IBM: Linux will replace AIX LinuxWorld: In the longer term, Linux will take over as the 'logical successor' to IBM's version of Unix, says a Big Blue executive,,t269-s2129537,00.html

Could Linux dethrone the software king?

2003-01-22 Thread Robert Matthews
The Linux computer operating system is coming of age. Nurtured since the early 1990s by software hobbyists and adopted more recently by giant computer companies led by International Business Machines, it is on the verge of becoming a mainstream technology in the corporate world. Its maturation h

Vanilla Linux !

2002-12-13 Thread Robert Matthews

Re: how to display real model id on mp3000

2002-11-19 Thread Robert Matthews
del id on mp3000 > I believe that's not something that is specific to Red Hat. My vanilla > 2.4.19 kernel provides the same interface. > > Mark Post > > -Original Message- > From: Robert Matthews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002

Re: how to display real model id on mp3000

2002-11-19 Thread Robert Matthews
Redhat puts the information in /proc/sysinfo. For example: # less /proc/sysinfo Manufacturer: IBM Type: 7060 Model:H30 Sequence Code:00010E1C Plant:83 CPUs Total: 1 CPUs Configured:

Re: DTC messages not found

2002-10-23 Thread Robert Matthews
PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, October 23, 2002 3:54 PM Subject: Re: DTC messages not found > On Wednesday, 10/23/2002 at 03:18 ZE2, Robert Matthews > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > I've just been required to change the IP addresses of all

DTC messages not found

2002-10-23 Thread Robert Matthews
I've just been required to change the IP addresses of all my Linux virtual machines and their VM TCP/IP stack in order to transfer everything to a new subnet. After starting the stack I find a PROFILE TCPERROR file on the TCPIP 191 disk containing DTCPAR113I BSD info for links: then for each link

CDL/LDL - was Adding a DASD on RedHat 7.2

2002-09-13 Thread Robert Matthews
This discussion has brought CDL to my attention and prompts me to ask which combination of CDL/LDL and partitioning/non-partitioning is recommended. Bob Matthews, University of Geneva. - Original Message - From: "Post, Mark K" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Thursday,

Re: Fortran Compiler

2002-06-14 Thread Robert Matthews
The rpm is available here: - Original Message - From: "Massimiliano Belardi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, June 14, 2002 2:22 PM Subject: Fortran Compiler Hello, I'm trying to find some package to compile f

Re: zSeries Technical Conference featuring z/OS, z/VM, and Linux

2002-05-21 Thread Robert Matthews
. -- Robert Matthews Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Geneva Tel: +41 22 705 7153 Division Informatique Fax: +41 22 705 7986 24 rue General-Dufour CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland - Original Message - From

Re: VM version

2002-05-13 Thread Robert Matthews
Principally VM61762 as noted in In addition I applied VM62555. Other VM fixes required for Linux are listed in APAR II12444 which can be found via the APAR database search page at Recom

Re: FUN: linux movies from ibm (fwd)

2002-04-04 Thread Robert Matthews
And now the songs . . . IBM hits the No. 3 slot: - Original Message - From: "Jim Elliott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 11:41 PM Subject: Re: FUN: linux movies from ibm (fwd) > Or an even s

Ancient penguins yield evolution clue - a bit OT

2002-03-22 Thread Robert Matthews
to different types of organism." ------ Robert Matthews Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] University of Geneva Tel: +41 22 705 7153 Division Informatique Fax: +41 22 705 7986 24 rue General-Dufour CH-1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland

Re: Buffersize on Linux CTC Driver

2002-02-15 Thread Robert Matthews
Perhaps the directory structure has changed. My (SuSE) 2.2.16 has the following: /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/ctc0 /proc/sys/net/ipv4/neigh/ctc0 Bob Matthews, Universtiy of Geneva. - Original Message - From: "Scully, William" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Friday, Februa

Re: TCP/IP and Linux

2002-02-14 Thread Robert Matthews
Note that the APAR addresses the case of datagrams which are INCORRECTLY discarded. This is not Bill's case because there really is an "Inv blk hdr" in the block. I also had this problem and when I reported it IBM was told that a similar incident already existed for which the responce was: "The D