Re: Really silly SSH question.

2005-04-14 Thread Rod Clayton
I have never tried this, but I believe if you don't specify a passphrase your private key is not encrypted on the HD and you won't be prompted for it. Have you tried generating a pair without giving a passphrase? Rod On 4/14/05, McKown, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Just for grins and giggle

Running GnuPG on Debian 390.

2005-03-16 Thread Rod Clayton
or on the compile: compress.c:29: zlib.h No such file or directory. I don't really need the latest version. I just need a version current enought to support one of the above key types (RSA or DH. The version I have installed is 1.0.6. Any ideas? Thanks, R

Re: Samba Problem

2003-04-04 Thread Rod Clayton
f your Windows userid is defined to the Linux/390 system, make sure you've >done "smbpasswd -a userid" and set the password to be the same as your >Windows system. > >Mark Post -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard County Public Schools [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: samba

2003-04-04 Thread Rod Clayton
y your hostname is the same as the netbios name? If >> so, my guess >> is it's just falling back to using dns here. >> >> > that works no problem... it just don't show up in Mnplaces >> >> I had this when nmbd stopped syncing with the wins server. >> Anything of >> interest in the nmbd logs? >> >> -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard County Public Schools [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Samba Problem

2003-04-04 Thread Rod Clayton
> >-Original Message- >From: Rod Clayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] >Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 3:12 PM >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: Re: Samba Problem > > >Mark, > >I am using SWAT to configure SABMA. >I found browsable = Yes and guest account = yes on the

Re: Samba Problem

2003-04-04 Thread Rod Clayton
y >map to guest = Bad User > >Some of these are defaults, so they may not show up in your smb.conf file. >Do a "testparm | less" command to see what the current values are. > > >Mark Post > >-Original Message- >From: Rod Clayton [mailto:[EMAIL PROTE

Samba Problem

2003-04-04 Thread Rod Clayton
do I do to fix this problem? Thanks, Rod -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard County Public Schools [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: IBM has no realistic entry-level offering in the mainframe space

2002-12-03 Thread Rod Clayton
e on large processors. What is the commercial value of VSE or VM on a hobbyist's computer? Certainly not $13000. Oracle gives it's product away for free for non-commercial use. Rod >On Mon, 2 Dec 2002 13:23:42 -0500, Rod Clayton wrote: > >>I am also a radio-amateur. The m

Re: IBM has no realistic entry-level offering in the mainframe space

2002-12-02 Thread Rod Clayton
ilable on a hobbyist basis (and not at $13K), doing other things >on a hobbyist basis are expensive too. > > > > >regards, >Per Jessen, Zurich > - home of the J1 serial console. > >Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped. -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard County Public Schools [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Debian 390 ISO Mirrors

2002-09-11 Thread Rod Clayton
I have been looking at a number of Debian mirror sites, but have been unable to find the 390 distribution or the ISO images for same. Does anyone have a list of FTP sites for Debian 390 ISO images? Thanks, Rod -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard County Public Schools [EMAIL

Re: current Linux distribution

2002-08-28 Thread Rod Clayton
RedHat ftp sites are heavily >used, and I thought I saw some >comments posted about problems downloading all the >files at one go. > > >= >- Mark Ver > > >______ >Do You Yahoo!? >Yahoo! Finance - Get real-time sto

Re: z/VM 3 and IFL engines - Oh No!

2002-04-23 Thread Rod Clayton
l bid for RSCS NJE and/or Passthru. Can the z/VM >issue also be pursued as a licensing issue or is this one real? -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard County Public Schools [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Fwd: Re: Updating Python

2002-02-21 Thread Rod Clayton
John asked me to forward this reply to the list. Rod --- begin forwarded text To: Rod Clayton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Updating Python Date: Fri, 22 Feb 2002 06:07:58 +0800 From: John Summerfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > John: > > Thanks for the advice. > > Wh

Updating Python

2002-02-21 Thread Rod Clayton
I would like to update the Python on my SuSE 7.0 390 system. I have the tar ball of the Python that I want to install. Python 1.5.? is already installed on this system I guess as an RPM. How do I remove 1.5 so I can install 2.1? Thanks, Rod -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard


2002-02-17 Thread Rod Clayton
Linux guests are limited by the number of eithernet cards you can give them? Can I change something to make it work with VCTCA? Thanks, Rod -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard County Public Schools [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Linux 390 Meeting in Columbia MD

2002-02-13 Thread Rod Clayton
. -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard County Public Schools [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: SuSE: Announcement of beta, trial and evaluation versions of SuSE Linux Enterprise Server for S/390 and zSeries

2002-02-01 Thread Rod Clayton
ributed. > >> isn't this a violation of section 6 of the GPL? > >The trial and evaluation versions contain "pay"-series software. > > >Best regards > > >Dieter Heussner Then it's only a problem to run the pay series software in production? -- Rod Clayton KA3BHY Systems Programmer Howard County Public Schools [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Red Hat GA FTP Pointer

2001-12-19 Thread Rod Clayton
--- >From: Hines Daniel (sys1dmh) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] >Sent: Tuesday, December 18, 2001 2:33 PM >To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Subject: Re: Red Hat GA FTP Pointer > > >Perhaps Red Hat will follow Suse's policy - you must pay to play for the >latest release . > >Dan

Re: Red Hat GA FTP Pointer

2001-12-18 Thread Rod Clayton
Mark: I tried that address, but where are the .iso images? Thanks, Rod >Just in case anyone needed a pointer to the Red Hat GA files, here it is. I >did not see any .iso files on the site for this version. > > > >Mark Pos