I have been trying to install THE-3.1 in a z/Linux SuSE (s390x) Kernel
2.6.5-7.139-s390x with uni-Rexx 2.98.  I was finally able to get
configure to run with the following command after installing the ncurses

../configure --with-rexx=unirexx --with-rexxincdir=/usr/local/rexx

--with-rexxlibdir=/usr/local/rexx --build=s390x-ibm-linux

--host=s390x-ibm-linux --target=s390x-ibm-linux --with-ncurses



Now I am getting the following error when I try 'make'. 


# make

gcc box.o colour.o column.o comm1.o comm2.o comm3.o comm4.o comm5.o
commset1.o commset2.o commsos.o commutil.o cursor.o default.o directry.o
edit.o error.o execute.o file.o thematch.o getch.o linked.o mouse.o
memory.o nonansi.o parser.o prefix.o print.o query.o regex.o reserved.o
rexx.o scroll.o show.o single.o sort.o target.o the.o mygetopt.o util.o
-o the -O3  -L/usr/lib64 -lncurses -L/usr/local/rexx -lrx  -ldl    -lm

in/ld: skipping incompatible /usr/local/rexx/librx.a when searching for

in/ld: cannot find -lrx

collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

make: *** [the] Error 1


I have searched the archives but did not find a solution to this error.



Thanks for any assistance,

Jeff Wise


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