I am running 8 SuSE 2.2.16 instances under zVM V4.2.  zVM is connected to
the network via a GBit Ethernet OSA connection.  The Linuxes are talking to
zVM over VCTCs.  I am intermittently, a few times an hour, seeing Telnet
sessions being disconnected from one or more Linux instances.  The users can
reconnect after waiting about 30-60 seconds.  The output of the VM IND
command shows low CPU usage and no paging.  The Linux that the user is
connected to is also lightly used.  Has anyone else ever seen this behavior?
Any ideas what to look at?  There are no ugly messages in either
/var/log/messages or the zVM TCPIP console log.

Hank Calzaretta
Wallace Computer Services, Inc.

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