> On Fri, 1 Nov 2002 10:33, you wrote:
> > So, you haven't discovered (setq `aussie-chunter-mode nil) in your

Joke, joke.  It's a poke at the general obscurity of mode configurations --
there's a mode for everything.

> Er, what's setq? I have enough trouble remembering how to get out of it.

M-x exit-emacs, if you forget the key binding. All commands have a text
equivalent that can be called via M-x. setq allows you to set a variable to
a value, in this case a mythical mode to detect Aussies that don't know
emacs, and confuse them even further...8-).

> Actually, I have given it a fair trial and given at least three of its
> clients a reasonable workout.

The important thing to remember about Emacs is that it's not an editor, it's
a tookit for writing editors that happens to have an insanely complicated
example implementation shipped with the toolkit. Once you figure that out,
it starts to make more sense.

- db

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