I have released a snapshot of the ELKS user space package elkscmd. This
is the last snapshot before the next version of the kernel.

The file elkscmd-20000107.tar.gz is available from the following locations:-


This snapshot contains all the work recently contributed by Mario Frasca,
including the latest init. My initial attempts to get init to work reliably
have failed as I am currently too short of time to dig through the code, so
the Makefile has been modified to use the old version of init (now in
min_init.c) for the default build.

Mario: If you can contribute an inittab file, and simple version of the
required scripts for the default boot disk, then I will switch the build
over to using your version.

Many thanks to Mario, and everyone elkse who has contributed code to the

ELKS 0.0.82 should be released at the beginning of next week.


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