Daniweb.com mempublikasikan interview dengan  Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier,
openSUSE Community Manager terkait dengan banyaknya FUD (Fear,
Uncertainty & Doubt)  terhadap aplikasi Free & Open Source Software

Selain menjelaskan skema lisensi FOSS, Zonker juga memberikan tips
mengenai antisipasi atas FUD tersebut. Berbekal pengalamannya sebagai
jurnalis zdnet dan LinuxJournal yang bersimpati pada perkembangan open
source, Zonker dapat menguraikan secara tepat problem FUD ini dan
bagaimana mengantisipasinya.

Diluar kenyataan dia sebagai openSUSE Community Manager (yang notabene
terkait dengan saya sebagai openSUSE Community Member), interview ini
juga menarik karena saya mengalami hal yang sama seperti yang diawali
oleh wartawan yang melakukan interview, Ron Miller.

    Seems every time I write a piece suggesting open source as an
option, I get a couple of comments warning readers about the scary
complexities of open source licenses. So I decided to ask a guy who
knows free and open source (FOSS) exactly what the deal was regarding
FOSS licensing and whether they were really any more or less complex
than their commercial counterparts.

    Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier, who is Community Manager for openSUSE and
has been working with FOSS in one way or another since 1996, says the
bottom line is that you should always check the license language
carefully, so that you are keenly aware of the terms, but you should
never let the license scare you away from open source.

Silakan baca interviewnya disini : http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4065.html

Best Regards,

Masim "Vavai" Sugianto
Blog (ID)         : http://www.vavai.com/blog
Blog (EN)        : http://www.vavai.net
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