Hello list!

For those who have PyQt4 for Python3 installed:
I have a software, a Music Notation Editor,  that can start in a one-liner and 
I need to find a bug that only occurs on some systems.

git clone git://github.com/nilsgey/Laborejo.git && cd Laborejo && 

This will download and run my software Laborejo as normal user without 
installing anything*. The only dependency is pyqt and git to download it 

You will see 5 lines and a symbol. The symbol must be perfectly alingned within 
the five lines (one pixel above can be tolerated). It should look like this: 
Do you see that symbol shifted up or down or is it correct?

Could you please answer me with the following information attached: Your 
graphic driver (type ("ati, nvidia, intel" etc. and closed or open source?) and 
desktop enviroment/window manager (Gnome, KDE, xfce, i3 etc.). If you want to 
add more information like qt version or X-Server it would be nice as well. 
Everything display related helps:
I believe closed nvidia drivers will shift the symbol. I tested it myself on 
ati and intel graphics, both 32 and 64 bit and it looked good, both on Linux 
and Windows. Other users with ati and intel GPU's had no problem. But two 
persons with an nvidia card had the wrong display. 

It would be very nice to hear from you!


*The only modifications to your system are new dir .laborejo in your home 
directory and the downloaded files via git.
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