Hi, having had many discussion with Steve Harris about LADSPA I decided to
finally contribute something last week, and the result is an XMMS plug-in
that hosts LADSPA plugins. So far it is available only as source, and
relies on ladspa.h and XMMS already being installed.
hello ,
i have a big problem .
i want to use Ardour for making audio music, and i can't configure
Alsa for jack and jack for Ardour.
i don't find documentation for making the asoundrc file for configuring
Alsa in non plug in mode.
and i don't find doc for Jack configuration
does anyone tell m
On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 06:25:20PM -0500, rm wrote:
> there are many distributions specifically for ppc that come with loads
> of compiled applications (linuxppc, yellowdog, debian (?) ...).
> generally though, most things are compiled from source, so i haven't
> seen it to be a consideration.