Hi All!
Occasionaly it has has been discussed on the list, the diff between free
music && free music ...
This one is free (as in beer):
Click on the 'Mp3 jukebox', scroll down and click play_it_all!
You are allowed to listen, but not to bring it on.
Ahem, the release is available at:
or the direct link:
Sorry about that ;-)
Hi everybody,
MusE 0.7.1 has now been released.
This release is mainly a bugfix release, though a number of new features have
been added. All users are encouraged to upgrade.
Notable new features:
- New synths
+ DeicsOnze from Alin Weiller
+ SimpleDrums from Mathias Lundgren
- A
Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:
feedback to my private address if possible, i'll summarize to the list.
so far, i have received nine mails, which unanimously supported the
decision to accept linux-audio-related advertising.
that means if you disagree, you should holler to my private address now,