Where could I find specifications of SF2 file format ?
Dominic Genest
Étudiant 3e cycle
Département d'Informatique et de Génie Logiciel
Université Laval
file describes the wanted quite abstract layout of the page as the "mid" file
describes notes having to be played and instrument choices.
Dominic Genest
Étudiant 3e cycle
Département d'Informatique et de Génie Logiciel
Université Laval
eal. Anything more important may in fact run the risk of
> misrepresentation via someone's sub-par MIDI system.
> Btw, I find it interesting that so many users identify MIDI with a
> soundcard capability. Of course the spec was designed originally for
> external gear, a
their soundtracks. (.IT, .XM)
> > You're pretty much stuck with a tracker to play or compose in as well,
> > no?
> No. Open module formats can be played in any program. MikMod (used by
> SDL_mixer) supports a lot of them out of the box. You are correct
ng world.
> -Eric Rz.
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2004 at 02:51:50PM -0500, Dominic Genest wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am programming some little games in Linux as a hobby, and I composed
> > midi files that I would like to be played in the background. What is
;.mid" files.
Does anybody know of any library that just does all the work to send wave
output to sound cards from a ".mid" file ? Also, I would like not to have to
supply instrument files.
Thanks a lot for any answer or clue !
Dominic Genest
Étudiant 3e cycle