I am looking for some photos from the conference to include in a
conference report in a local IT magazine.
Thanks in advance,
Hello LADies and LADdies!
What is new on the SuperCollider front?
I've seen there are some new files up on the page and will try to
compile them later today.
Take care,
Hello Erik and the gang!
On ned, 2002-11-17 at 20:58, Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> Report back what you find :-).
Well, there isn't much to report. :) It works like a charm now. Still
can't remember when and what I have done to break libsndfile.
Thanks Erik, take care,
I keep getting strange problems with libsndfile 1.0.1 lib. I first
noticed it running sweep and then I went back to libsndfile source and
tried out ht etests and they die at reading wav files.
josef:/usr/src/libsndfile-1.0.1/tests$ ./write_read_test wav
pcm_test_char : ch
Hello Maarten and other LAD(y)s!
I am having some problems with tapiir 0.6. It seem's I can't get it to
run with SCHED_RR. I can run it with suid or as root and still I am
josef:/usr/src/tapiir-0.6/src# ./tapiir
!!!Scheduler set to Round Robin with priority 99 FAILED!!!
Make su