Re: [linux-audio-dev] New form of GPL licence that protects Linux from proprietary world [was: New powermacs?]

2003-06-23 Thread Thomas Hudson
On Sunday, June 22, 2003, at 10:46 AM, Ivica Bukvic wrote: Not a _specific_ OS. There are _many_ open-source OS's out there and none of them have monopolistic agenda like Apple or M$. Nor do they use the open-source community efforts to promote their own commercial products. It is important to note

Re: [linux-audio-dev] matter of urgency !!!

2002-11-15 Thread Thomas Hudson
On Friday, November 15, 2002, at 08:15 PM, engr bankole wrote: This letter is not intended to cause any embarrassment in whatever form,rather is compelled to contact your esteemed self, following the knowledge of your high reputes and trusts worthiness. Firstly, I must solicit your confident

Re: [linux-audio-dev] storing floats in ascii format

2002-05-16 Thread Thomas Hudson
On Thu, 2002-05-16 at 08:41, Maarten de Boer wrote: > Does anybody have experience with this, or pointers to > implementations? Or any suggestion at all? > The OpenOffice team had a similar problem in that a document might also need to contain graphics and other binary data. What they do is store

Re: [linux-audio-dev] Re: New OSX services & LAAGA

2001-06-06 Thread Thomas Hudson
On Wednesday, June 6, 2001, at 05:00 AM, Francois Dechelle wrote: Yes, it was a very interesting discussion. I've already used part of the Apple API, namely the HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) for a first rought porting of jMax to Mac OS X. It is based on callbacks, the callback being called in

[linux-audio-dev] New OSX services

2001-05-31 Thread Thomas Hudson
I thought it might be interesting to many linux audio developers to see the new APIs available for Mac OSX which were just published: Note that the MIDI stuff is similar to ALSA in that "sources" and "destinations" can be hardware or applicati