Re: [linux-audio-dev] using realplay without x

2001-11-30 Thread Julien Patrick Claassen
Hello! You can download trplay. The old version of this was trap, but it had a lot of small problems. This is maybe the best alternative. You also can try to just use the virtual frame buffer xvfb and then start realplay, but I had quite some fun with it. Maybe it's really best to look for trpla

[linux-audio-dev] using realplay without x

2001-11-20 Thread dave willis
does anybody know how to startup realplay without having x running? or at least from cron when x is running? or a command-line version? thanks! -- perl -e'@email=split(//,".tenmhd\@nosbud");foreach$letter(@email){$ email=$letter.$email;}$email=~s/(m|net\.)/a\1\1/g;print"$email\n";'

Re: [linux-audio-dev] using realplay without x

2001-11-20 Thread Erik de Castro Lopo
It really blew my mind when dave willis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: > does anybody know how to startup realplay without having x running? or at > least from cron when x is running? or a command-line version? This is really not a development question and should therefore have been sent to the Li

Re: [linux-audio-dev] using realplay without x

2001-11-20 Thread Dave Phillips
dave willis wrote: > does anybody know how to startup realplay without having x running? or at > least from cron when x is running? or a command-line version? Maybe these URLs can help: http://www.linux-