>As far as data volumes go, for your 5 million integers, you're off by about
>orders of magnitude ;-)  So, now that 5ms just became 500 seconds.  Yes, my
> users do notice and appreciate that time savings ;-)

 Sooo..... if you stored this stuff on punched paper tape it would be long
enough to stretch something like 10 times around the planet - unless those
were binary orders of magnitude, in which case it would be a mere 1600 km
long :). Heh, I *said* you must be working with relatively large amounts of
relatively simple data, but I had no idea. (Don't tell me its relatively
complex data... if it is then a 500 second saving would become insignificant
next to the hours, days, weeks or whatever that your code would be spending
"inside" the data rather than "in-between" it).



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