I present a lot of information here, hopefully it is not too much. Perhaps this should be put in a bugzilla. I'm not familiar with CFQ, or other I/O schedulers, so have been doing more generic debugging.


I am observing some undesirable behavior in the CFQ I/O scheduler. I am seeing that a subset of the I/Os are experiencing much longer delays than the rest. The behavior is not observed when using the "deadline" scheduler.


I am running on Ubuntu Zesty using kernel 4.10.0-30, with the commit mentioned next. Ubuntu sets the default I/O scheduler to "cfq".

I am running the POWER architecture test suite "HTX" (https://github.com/open-power/HTX), and only certain phases of that test seem to perturb CFQ. During these phases, I see that a small percentage of the total I/Os are getting delayed. Without commit https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/commit/?id=5be6b75610cefd1e21b98a218211922c2feb6e08 I, of course, see very long delays (sometimes over an hour). With that commit, the delays seem to max-out around 110 seconds - which to me still seems too long. HTX monitors each I/O's progress, and will start complaining if an I/O takes longer than 10 minutes to complete. With this commit, no I/Os seem to reach that 10 minute threshold and so HTX no longer complains.

In HTX, I am running the I/O-only variation (mdt.io) and in addition I disable all devices except for a few disks (otherwise unused). Early debugging showed that, in the case of the delayed I/Os, the delay is due to the I/O not getting submitted to the SCSI layer (scsi_dispatch_cmd). When the I/O eventually does get submitted to SCSI, it completes promptly.

The test phase was shown to be using only __blkdev_direct_IO_simple, so I put the debugging in that path. I replaced the call to io_schedule() with a debug routine that calls "io_schedule_timeout(HZ * 60)". If the timeout trips, then some debugging info is printed and io_schedule() is called to wait for eventual completion. Upon completion of a timed-out I/O, more debug is printed - including the total time elapsed. If no timeout occurs, no debugging is done.


The period where I observe delayed I/Os seems to span about 2 hours. During that time, between 400-500 I/Os trip the 60-second timeout (4 disks under test). It is estimated that about 2 million I/Os (per disk) occur during this interval. Earlier testing showed that a timeout of 30 seconds traps many more I/Os, so it is likely that the delays experienced by I/Os varies over the full range.

Both reads and writes can experience these delays, although most of the I/Os going on are reads.

What I am observing is that when HTX first starts (when it ramps-up enough) I/Os will start tripping the timeout. In this first phase, the I/Os seem to all complete in less than 70 seconds. The next phase is not reached for another 10 hours, but at that time the maximum I/O delay is over 90 seconds. Each successive phase shows maximum delay values that, in general, increase. The 6th cycle I observed over 110 second delays, after which that maximum value declined. The 10th cycle (last one collected), showed a maximum of just under 100 seconds.

Test runs with the scheduler set to "deadline" never tripped the timeout.


Is this behavior expected/correct? Are there other commits that might address this? Is there more information I can provide to help diagnose?

My concern is that certain processes/threads are getting unfairly delayed due to this behavior.



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