Are you suggesting to do:
1)fopen with O_TRUNC, O_ATOMIC: returns fd to a temporary file
2)application writes to that fd, with one or more system calls, in a
short time or in long time, at his will.
3)at fclose (or even at fsync ) atomically swap "data pointer" of "real
file" with "temp file", then delete temp.In a transparent mode to
userland.  (something similar to e4defrag).
Is this sum up correct?

Massimo Maggi

Il 07/01/2011 16:17, Olaf van der Spek ha scritto:
> On Fri, Jan 7, 2011 at 4:13 PM, Chris Mason <> wrote:
>>> That's not what I asked. ;)
>>> I asked to wait until the first write (or close). That way, you don't
>>> get unintentional empty files.
>>> One step further, you don't have to keep the data in memory, you're
>>> free to write them to disk. You just wouldn't update the meta-data
>>> (yet).
>> Sorry ;) Picture an application that truncates 1024 files without closing any
>> of them.  Basically any operation that includes the kernel waiting for
>> applications because they promise to do something soon is a denial of
>> service attack, or a really easy way to run out of memory on the box.
> I'm not sure why you would run out of memory in that case.
> O_ATOMIC would be the solution for the rename workaround: write temp
> file, rename
> With advantages like a way simpler API, no issues with resetting
> meta-data, no issues with temp file and maybe better performance.
> Olaf
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