> I have just booted under 2.6.8-rc2 which has some DVB/v4l change since
> 2.6.8-rc1 and I don't get audio/video anymore. The OSD works, I can 
> zap to any channel and receive the EPG. Also I can't play recordings 
> made earlyer...

I have the same problem but only after some time !
> My config for this kernel is to be found under :
> http://magma.epfl.ch/greg/linux/config-2.6.8-rc2
> And the modules loaded are :
> Module                  Size  Used by
> dvb_ttpci              75404  32

> Any idea on what's going on ?

I see no frontend. Are you sure you modprobe all frontends ?

My Config is the same as yours (Kernel 2.6.8-rc2, CVS-dvb-kernel
(14.07.2004)) I have one FF-Card (Nexus 2.1) and one Budget-Card (Nova-s)

I find in my logs:

Jul 20 17:03:31 buster kernel: av71100: ARM crashed!
Jul 20 17:03:32 buster kernel: gpioirq unknown type=0 len=0

Jul 20 17:27:18 buster kernel: av71100: ARM crashed!
Jul 20 17:27:18 buster kernel: gpioirq unknown type=0 len=0

Jul 20 20:21:30 buster kernel: av71100: ARM crashed!
Jul 20 20:21:30 buster kernel: gpioirq unknown type=0 len=0

Recordings via vdr on the second card works well, so i think it's the ARM of
the FF-card (which has my CICAM-Module) so if it come to record a crypted
channel, vdr restarts (with driver restart) and most of the time it

Is there any solution or suggestion for this ??


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