Hello all,

first i want to report a "bug" regarding cutting in vdr 0.83.
When using the 7 and / or 9 keys to steer to a set mark the vdr process takes almost 
all the cpu time :-( - although the mark has been reached and olnly one picture is 
So pressing 2, to start the cutting process takes longer than it should be, unless you 
leave the "playback" process...

Second i wanted to ask if it would be possible to implement some kind of signal (audio 
or osd), that tells the user, if a command via remote control was understood !
So the problem is the following : When cutting it sometimes happenes that the "0" for 
the cutting mark just isn't recognized , although i have pressed the button and it's 
annoying to find out at the end of the cutting process that one mark is missing :-(
So a small audio "beep" or a OSD "MARK" or something would be nice!

So don't get me wrong, this isn't important, just an idea, that i'd like to share with 

Cheers, Martin.

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