On 2013-04-22T15:30:34, Ulrich Windl <ulrich.wi...@rz.uni-regensburg.de> wrote:

> There's nothing wrong with Linux; I only have a problem if products of "beta" 
> quality are shipped as enterprise solutions. Enterprise customers want to USE 
> the software, not debug it...

You can use it, but the constraints are not necessarily removed "just"
because an Enterprise product ships it. We can only document them, and
especially performance issues need to be tested for specific workloads
anyway - we have customers who quite happily use cLVM2, because it saves
them xx k€/a on SAN licensing fees for their needs.

And you can be sure that cLVM2 mirroring performance is on our roadmap.

> To make things worse, a common answer you get from support the is:
> "it's not our software, we can only report the problem upstream"

That is not an answer you should get in response to an actual bug/crash.
For some feature requests, yes, one way of taking care of them is to
work with upstream so that they become aware this is a problem for
current users. And of course we work with upstream even on bug
resolution; we have a upstream-fix-first policy before incorporating
patches, from which we only deviate in exceptional cases (and, of
course, under time pressure).

(I have my very own opinions on why Linux has multiple diverging RAID
implementations, and if that's a good idea, why DM RAID exists in the
first place, and why this is one of the most painful community failures
ever, and why it sucks that it isn't reconciled *still*. Don't get me
started on *that*.)

> That's the problem with spare-time open-source programmers: They only
> fix their software to make their hardware work, fixing their problems.
> That's valid also, but if a company ships such software and offers
> support, those companies should also have at least one paid developer
> per critical component,

True. Thankfully, that is true for SLE HA. ;-)

> Or as I put it: Even open-source programmers want a roof above their
> head and something to bite at the end of the day.

I am biting into my desk all day long already.


Architect Storage/HA
SUSE LINUX Products GmbH, GF: Jeff Hawn, Jennifer Guild, Felix Imendörffer, HRB 
21284 (AG Nürnberg)
"Experience is the name everyone gives to their mistakes." -- Oscar Wilde

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