On 1.6.2011 17:09, Joukoy wrote:
> I am trying to find easy-to-use distribution and/or tool for managing 
> cluster with:
> - 2 hosts
> - drbd replication between hosts
> - HA for virtual machines & drbd
> But can't find anything that really fits my requirements, so I created 
> a script...
> Now I have Scientific Linux 6 x86_64 installed in 2 identical machines 
> with this configuration:
> - Gigabit ethernet between hosts
> - KVM virtualization
> - Pacemaker/Corosync, configured with DRBD-MC
> - LVM volume group, named "vg01" with free space for VM's
> - public key authentication, so I can run commands in both hosts
> When I run my script with "create" parameter, it will do the following:
> - Ask name for new virtual machine (GUI with zenity :) )
> - Ask disk size for VM
> - Create logical volume in both hosts
> - setup DRBD replication for volumes
> - Create new VM and configure it to use /dev/drbd? as harddisk
> - Open Virtual Machine Manager so user can modify settings for VM
> - Configure cluster to take care of drbd & VM
> And with "delete" parameter it will remove cluster , VM, drbd and lvm 
> configs for selected VM.
> I hope someone with programming skills can try and improve this ( a 
> lot :-) )
> Standard disclaimer: I am not responsible if this script destroys your 
> data and/or server. Use at your own risk

.zip attachment may be a bad idea?
Maybe this is better way:

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