Martin wrote:
> Hello !
> Today I have noticed that the heartbeat startup script does not start
> when the APC PDU (my stonith device) is configured in but not
> available. IMHO it creates single point of failure. All the services that 
> should be highly available are blocked by a simple problem with a 
> non-essential device.
> Here are the details: the cluster is a two-nodes Linux system. Heartbeat
> version is 2.0.8. The stonith program uses the apcmastersnmp driver.
> If the PDU is disconnected from the LAN, the stonith program fails
> (with time-out error) for obvious reason, but it reports config error,
> which is simply not the case. This failure prevents heartbeat from
> starting. See below.
> Do you have any comments or ideas related to this ?

Your current situation is indistinguishable from a configuration error.

R2 configurations won't have this issue.

    Alan Robertson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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claim from you at all times your undisguised opinions." - William
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