On 2008-06-05T01:37:13, zhang july <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Lars, sorry if I didn't make my questions clear to you.
> The name I use in the configration is the same one in the pengine metadata 
> and the same in crm.dtd. But the log tells me that I use the deprecated 
> names. I prefer not to use deprecated names and remove those warnings. My 
> problem is to find the real names instead of deprcated names if they exists.

> ==========config in cib.xml=============
> <nvpair name="no_quorum_policy" id="no_quorum_policy" value="stop"/>
>  ========pengine metadata results==================

> >     <parameter name="no-quorum-policy" unique="0">

The preferred spelling is "no-quorum-policy" (with hyphens). Your
spelling is "no_quorum_policy" (with underscores) in the nvpair cited

The warning tells you exactly that, it matches the pengine metadata

I'm not sure what more to explain. To make the warning go away, you'd
have to change the name="" entry in your nvpair to "no-quorum-policy".

This may be a language issue,I apologize.


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